Get Auto Accident Injury Care with a Medical Lien!
How You May Benefit From A Medical Lien:
- No Wait To Access Care
- No Upfront Cost For Care
- No Back and Forth With Insurance Companies
- Professional Personal Injury Case Management
What Injuries Are Covered Under A Medical Lien
Any auto accident injury caused by a third party, which requires medical care and treatment, is considered under a medical lien. A medical lien may cover many auto accident injuries, including car and motorcycle accidents. Here is a list of some of the injuries that may occur during an auto accident, which a medical lien may also cover:
Any auto accident injury caused by a third party, which requires medical care and treatment, is considered under a medical lien. A medical lien may cover many auto accident injuries, including car and motorcycle accidents. Here is a list of some of the injuries that may occur during an auto accident, which a medical lien may also cover:
- Whiplash
- Neck Pain
- Headaches
- Low Back Pain
- Upper Back Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Hip Pain
- Knee Pain
- Ankle Pain