Frozen Shoulder Pain

Julie suffers with “Frozen Shoulder” or Arm pain. Scar tissue and recovery from breast cancer brought her into Dr. Gray. With treatments, Julie finds that her sleep quality is much better. Her pain levels have decreased significantly.

I just started seeing Dr. Gray after a car accident. Though I’m still early on in my treatment, I’ve been very impressed and comforted by the level of care and attention to detail that everyone in the office has shown. UPDATE: I have been going to Dr. Gray for two years now and my recommendation has only increased. He has seen me through my car accident needs and I am coming just for regular check ups. He does a great job!!! A friend has started going to him too and she has been very pleased with her results. Recommend 💯 !

– Kelly Sonnenburg

Dr. Grey always knows exactly what areas need the most help. He got me back to normal after a car accident, allowing me to go on with my active lifestyle. Currently, he helps with the low back problems that come with crawling around after a baby. I know every day I go to visit Dr. Grey and his crew, I’ll feel better than before.

– Jenny Johnson

Well, I don’t even know where to start. I have been going to Dr. Jon for many years. When I had a terrible ski accident, he was able to get both of my shoulders functioning and my ribs back in place without any surgeries. I could not raise my left hand enough to turn on my blinker. I’ve had other problems like sjogrens that he has given me better advice then my RA doctor where I was able to control all of it with diet instead of major medications. I am going to him now for a hamstring and cartilage tear behind my left knee. He has a knowledgeable therapist/rehab person that works with him. It’s amazing that after a visit, the pain can subside, and you know you are on the right track. So many of my friends and relatives go to him. Dr. Jon knows what he is doing, and I am so thankful he is in our town.

– Marlene Robison

I have had many neck injuries from car accident to recreational sport and Jon has helped me so much. I went years fighting pinched nerves in my arm and painful mobility. Not 100% but I’ve had problems for a while and getting better all the time. I’ve even recruited friends and Co workers and they love him too. Thank you dr. Gray!

– Mariah Gehrke Garrett

I got in a car accident last year after my 1st Spartan Race. After not being able to move and workout for many months Dr. Gray helped me immensely. I just competed my 2nd Spartan Race! Dr. Gray and his staff are amazing.

– Lindsay Le Breton

I was referred to Jon Gray after a car crash. The car rear ended me going approximately 60 miles an hour. Let’s say I was in pain! After a few weeks, I was feeling so much better :-). I am so grateful to Jon Gray and staff! Doctor Gray is so patient, and spent extra time with me when I needed it.

– Susan W.

“I’ve been seeing Dr. Gray for about 9 months. Before seeing Dr. Gray, I was so sick with dizziness, neuropathy, headaches, and so on. I felt like I was dying and every part of my life was impacted. I’d never been to a chiropractor before, but wasn’t finding the relief I needed through the traditional medical route.

Several of my nursing friends recommended Dr. Gray. Scheduling an appointment was easy and he was a preferred provider for my insurance.

Not knowing what to expect, I was really nervous and anxious at my first appointment. Dr. Gray’s staff took images of my spine and neck which made me feel better that he would be able to see if there was anything going on in there that shouldn’t be messed with. My nerves were very sick and it took several weeks of adjustments before I started feeling better. During that time, Shea taught me lots of exercises to do at home to complete the treatment. Over several months, I got to the point where I started to feel normal! Dr. Gray listens and I feel like he genuinely cares about me and my journey to wellness. (I still can’t figure out how he knows EXACTLY which spot needs adjusted before I say anything)”

– Tammy

That Very Night Emma Slept 9 Hours Straight!

“Her congestion decreased and she didn’t gag or spit up after nursing.

A few months after my daughter Emma was born she was having problems with nasal congestion, spitting up a lot after nursing, gagging while she was nursing, and having trouble sleeping.

I took her to our pediatrician and she said that she had reflux and gave me some things to try to relieve it, like sleeping and nursing on an incline. I tried that for a few weeks with very little improvement. Our doctor said that if is didn’t start getting better that we would have to put her on medication and possibly see a specialist. I didn’t like either of those possibilities.

When I told people that I was taking Emma in to a chiropractor to help with the reflux, I got some really funny looks and even was asked, “What is a chiropractor going to do to help with that?” I told them that I wanted to try everything that I possibly could before I put my daughter on medication.

This wasn’t the first time that Emma had seen Dr. Gray. Just 3 days after she was born I took Emma in to get adjusted. It helped her to sleep and helped expel the meconium that she ingested while being born.

I brought Emma in and Dr. Gray adjusted her back and neck. He also massaged her sinuses to help relieve the congestion. Dr. Gray also gave me some things to do at home to help, showing me how to massage her sinuses and her lower back that was tight from the reflux.

That very night Emma slept 9 hours straight! Her congestion decreased and she didn’t gag or spit up after nursing. I continued to bring Emma in once a week for a month and the reflux went away. She hasn’t had any issues since. I can’t thank Dr. Gray enough for helping me with Emma and saving her from being on medication for who knows how long! I will continue to bring Emma and my older daughter Beth to see Dr. Gray; they get the immediate benefits from being adjusted without any of the nasty side effects of medication!”

– Alexis and Emma, Boise, ID

I Sleep Better.

“Rosemary is just thrilled to be sleeping better.

Now when I do activities, it is invigorating rather than debilitating.

My back hurt and it just made me crabby. At work I couldn’t sit or stand for any length of time. It was really distracting always moving around in meetings. I couldn’t sleep well. I thought there were lumps in my bed—so I bought a new mattress. The same “lumps” were still there. I didn’t have much endurance and doing activities like gardening and hiking were debilitating. It seemed like I ached 24 / 7.

About three years ago I had had similar pain and I went to another chiropractor for four or five months. During this second round of back pain I decided to go to Dr. Gray because he was around the corner from my house and in the same building as my eye doctor.

My experience at Dr. Gray’s office was night and day different. His methods were light years ahead of anything that I had tried before. Dr. Gray really evaluated me and listened. He tried to find the underlying problem. It turns out that some of my back problem was in caused by ankles and hips. He was also able to catch a potential shoulder problem and help prevent injury.

The first week I was a little sorer than I had been before (like when you exercise). After the second week I had a lot of relief. Dr. Gray was very logical about his approach and didn’t take things too fast. Dr. Gray seemed to be able to sense if I were nervous about anything new. For example, before he adjusted my neck he explained what he was doing and what to expect. After two months I was vastly improved. I am now in the strengthening phase so I can have long term results.

I enjoy Dr. Gray’s office. When I first went there, he was just starting out and it was “bare bones.” He has kept adding new technology and other improvements. I like the ambience he has created and sitting in the massage chairs ,listening to the water and the soft music. It’s so relaxing. The experience is really a total package.

I am much happier now—I’m not as crabby, and I feel stronger and more fit. Now when I do activities, it is invigorating rather than debilitating. I sleep better and my life is better balanced.”

– Rosemary, Boise

I Like To Come In Before and After Hunting Season So I Can Enjoy My Trip.

“Dr. Gray truly listens to me. His treatments have purpose—he doesn’t have me come in just to come in.

I’ve been to over 20 chiropractors in my life. I’m a real mess. I’ve been in three car crashes, crashed bikes, fallen 40-feet off a mountain while rock climbing, had a 2500 pound bull roll over me, among other injuries.

Dr. Gray helps me have the health to do what I want to do. I like to come in before and after hunting season so I can enjoy my trip. Dr. Gray is one of only two chiropractors that have really fixed my problems. He adjusts gently. He truly listens to me. His treatments have purpose—he doesn’t have me come in just to come in.”

– Calvin, Small Business Owner, Father

I Feel Like A New Person.

Linda Is So Happy To Feel Better!

“I can enjoy my workouts so much more by keeping tuned-up. With this weight loss I am off my blood pressure meds and avoided having to take cholesterol medication which I didn’t want to take.

I’ve always liked being adjusted by Dr. Gray because I feel so good afterwards. Months back I overlooked making an appointment after my visit. I wanted to call to reschedule, but I waited for a perfect time and things just got busy. Since coming back to Dr. Gray I feel like a new person. I’ve been taking a boot camp exercise class every morning. I didn’t realize how tight I was getting in the shoulders. I can enjoy my workouts so much more by keeping tuned-up.

I recently lost 35 pounds. I appreciate all of Dr. Gray’s encouragement in this whole deal. I love how he helps you think healthy and that it’s possible to get off medications that aren’t good for you, etc. With this weight loss I am off my blood pressure meds and avoided having to take cholesterol medication which I didn’t want to take. It’s all about being healthy.”

– Linda, Mom, Grandma

Within 2-3 Visits I Had Relief from Migraines

Jessie is migraine free!

“I hurt myself jet skiing and riding horses. I went to the emergency room. They did an MRI and CT scan. They medicated me heavily with three different kinds of migraine medications. I was a zombie.

I like to ride horses and do water sports with my husband and three children. However, sometimes these activities can take their toll on my body. My horse bucked me off a few months ago. A few weeks later I was jet skiing and injured myself even more.

Jet skiing really racks your body. When I was done skiing, my knee went out and I fell on the pavement. Within a week I started having migraines,” Jessie said. “I went to the emergency room. They did an MRI and CT scan. They medicated me heavily with three different kinds of migraine medications. I was a zombie.

I couldn’t even get out of bed for a good solid week. I was incapacitated. My kids had to bring me yogurt because that was all that I could eat. I’m a mother. I can’t be sick. I have to take care of my kids. The migraines were still there. When I went back to my medical doctor, his only solution was stronger meds. I don’t like to be medicated, but that was his only answer.

My mother went to Dr. Gray. She called him and he came in special for me on a Friday and a Saturday. Within 2-3 times I started feeling relief from the migraines. He showed me the x-rays. I had a straight neck and that was contributing to my migraines. Dr. Gray is now helping me rehab my neck and also my scoliosis. I am off all my medication other than an occasional Tylenol or ibuprofen.

Dr. Gray has been so gentle with me and listens to what I say. Other chiropractors have just “cracked” me and I walk out hurting. Dr. Gray always asks me, ‘Do you feel OK? Any catches?

It’s scary to think if I hadn’t gone to Dr. Gray where I would be. I feel great now. It’s funny how many medical doctors are so anti-chiropractic. My medical doctor advised me against going to a chiropractor for scoliosis and wanted me to go to a PT instead.

My mom, both my brothers, and my son go to Dr. Gray and he has really helped them. I like to share with my friends how this has helped me. I want to keep going once a month to keep me on track. I feel so good when I come in.”

– Jessie, Wife and Mother, Middleton, ID

I Lost 23 lbs and Got Off Methotrexate!

“I thought ‘What am I doing? I have one body. It’s my life. I’m going to take control. I’m not going to take all that medicine.

When I first went to Dr. Gray I mentioned I was on methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis. (This is a highly toxic drug similar to chemotherapy to suppress my immune system. The first side effect is sudden death, the next are kidney and liver disease.)

I felt horrible and it wasn’t helping my pain. I thought ‘What am I doing? I have one body. It’s my life. I’m going to take control. I’m not going to take all that medicine.

Dr. Gray asked me about my diet and told me about foods that cause inflammation. I went on a special diet and lost 23 lbs. I didn’t need drugs. I needed a diet change. The arthritis pain went away. I am off my medication. I feel better than I have in years.”

– Linda, Retired Bus Driver, Mom, Grandma


I returned to the symphony to play the violin.

“For the past ten years the discs in my low back have started to deteriorate causing pinched nerves, back problems, and sciatica. I couldn’t sit or stand for any long periods of time. Housework was becoming difficult because it was hard to lift anything. I had to quit playing the violin in the symphony.

I saw a back specialist who took x-rays. I could see in the misalignments in my spine on the x-ray but it was never addressed. The back specialist referred me to a physical therapist who gave me ball exercises and massage-type therapy. It relieved the pain briefly but was not effective for long term results.

I’ve gone to a lot of chiropractors over the years. Dr. Gray is one of the best I’ve been to. I like his gentle adjustment style and how he stretches and massages my muscles before and after the adjustment. I feel like Dr. Gray takes his time and is always answers my questions.

Since seeing Dr. Gray I am able to continue my regular activities. I returned to the symphony to play the violin again. All the aches and pains and tinglings are gone. I know that I will always have back problems with my deteriorated discs. However, I am able to live a full life by seeing Dr. Gray regularly on a maintenance basis.”

– Marlene W., Retired, Boise

Marlene West lived in Boise area for over 20 years. She likes spending time with her husband Brian and grandson Austin (3½). She enjoys playing the violin in the BSU Orchestra and Music Week.

Whiplash, Bulging Discs, and Post-Operative Back Care

“He is very careful and gentle with my operated discs. He checked the X-ray and wouldn’t touch me until he has consulted with my orthopedist.

I have had chronic back problems for years. Three years ago I had back surgery for bulging discs. My back problems have slowed me down from doing day-to-day activities.

Recently I got whiplash from an auto accident. I tried home therapy but that didn’t work. Dr. Gray has taught me how I can cope with my back and neck problems. He has shown me how to stretch and strengthen my muscles around the problem discs. He is very careful and gentle with my operated discs. He checked the X-ray and wouldn’t touch me until he has consulted with my orthopedist.

I’ve been to many chiropractors. Dr. Gray is very thorough. He won’t just crack your bones and let you go. He is willing to sit down and educate you about how you can become independent rather than just be tied to him.”

– Dawn L., Boise

Whiplash and Headaches

“Ten years ago I had a similar rear-end collision and I went to a physical therapist. …However, I have had more noticeable relief with Dr. Gray … I have been able to speed up my recovery time. I know I will have more long-term results.

I have had headaches off and on forever. My headaches have made it harder to focus and have limited my effectiveness at work and home. When I have headaches I just want to go to bed and rest. I took aspirin, but after some point I knew I needed to do something else.

In December 2003 I was rear-ended in a car collision. The headaches returned, only more severely. I immediately began treatment with Dr. Gray. When we took X-rays after the crash, I found out that the curve in my neck had returned to normal from my previous treatments with Dr. Gray.

Dr. Gray is helping me rehabilitate my neck after the car crash. Ten years ago I had a similar rear-end collision and I went to a physical therapist. He did comparable therapies such as strengthening, ultrasound, and ice. However, I have had more noticeable relief with Dr. Gray adjusting my back in addition to the therapies and exercise he gives me. I have been able to speed up my recovery time. I know I will have more long term results.

I found Dr. Gray in my PPO directory. I wanted someone who was close by my work. I found out that I had two fused vertebrae in my neck that limits my movement. The curve in my neck was backward from what it should have been. I also have an extra vertebra that knocks everything off. With chiropractic treatment, my headaches have not been as severe or as often. Dr. Gray helped me strengthen my neck and shoulders. He also instructed me on exercises I should do at home so I could have long-term results. I had been seeing Dr. Gray for periodic wellness adjustments.”

– Cheri O., Symbol Technology Site Manager, Meridian

Cheri Ohlhauser has lived in the Treasure Valley all her life. She is a site manager at a repair center for Symbol Technology. (They repair bar code scanners for stores.) She is a Girl Scout leader and soccer coach mom for her nine-year old daughter. In her spare time 😉 , she likes to garden, decorate, and tole paint.

Work Related Injury

“I was able to go back to work within two to three days instead of the usual two or three weeks.

I have had low back problems for four or five years. When I have a flare up, I am bedridden for two or three weeks and cannot work or participate in sports.

I tried going to other doctors. Even though I would take pain killers, I would still be off work for two to three weeks.

When I started going to Dr. Gray, I was able to go back to work within two to three days instead of the usual two or three weeks. I don’t know how he does it, but Dr. Gray is able to make the spasms stop. He stretches and relaxes the muscles. I’ve been to other chiropractors. I like how Dr. Gray has a more hands-on treatment. I now see him for other problems and have had great results.”

– Ward S., Postal Worker
Ward Spence, father of two, has lived in Boise for over twenty years and enjoys fishing and hunting. He works for the post office sorting parcels for carriers.

Improved Posture

Dr. Gray is very professional and knows what he is doing.

“I have been seeing Dr. Gray to help me with a sore neck and improve my posture. As an orthodontist, I am always bending over which contributes to a head forward posture. Since seeing Dr. Gray my neck feels better and my posture has improved.

I have been seeing Dr. Gray to help me with a sore neck and improve my posture. As an orthodontist, I am always bending over which contributes to a head forward posture. Since seeing Dr. Gray my neck feels better and my posture has improved.

Dr. Gray is very professional and knows what he is doing. Dr. Gray is friendly and easy to talk to. He explains his treatment to his patients well.”

– Dr. Mike G., Orthodontist, Gold Orthodontics, Boise

Ankle, Hip, and Shoulder Problems

“Dr. Gray tried to find the underlying problem. It turns out that my ankles and hips caused some of my back problems. He was also able to catch a potential shoulder problem and help prevent injury.

My back hurt and it just made me crabby. At work I couldn’t sit or stand for any length of time. It was really distracting always moving around in meetings. I couldn’t sleep well. I thought there were lumps in my bed—so I bought a new mattress. The same “lumps” were still there. I didn’t have much endurance and doing activities like gardening and hiking were debilitating. It seemed like I ached 24 / 7.

About three years ago I had had similar pain and I went to another chiropractor for four or five months. During this second round of back pain I decided to go to Dr. Gray because he was around the corner from my house and in the same building as my eye doctor.

My experience at Dr. Gray’s office was night and day different. His methods were light years ahead of anything that I had tried before. Dr. Gray really evaluated me and listened. He tried to find the underlying problem. It turns out that my ankles and hips caused some of my back problems. He was also able to catch a potential shoulder problem and help prevent injury.

The first week I was a little sorer than I had been before (like when you exercise). After the second week I had a lot of relief. Dr. Gray was very logical about his approach and didn’t take things too fast. Dr. Gray seemed to be able to sense if I were nervous about anything new. For example, before he adjusted my neck he explained what he was doing and what to expect. After two months I was vastly improved. I am now in the strengthening phase so I can have long term results.

At first I wasn’t sure what my insurance would cover. Tammy helped me work with my insurance company. I was pleased with how much my insurance covered chiropractic care. The cost of my care with Dr. Gray has been very reasonable.

I enjoy Dr. Gray’s office. When I first went there, he was just starting out and it was “bare bones.” He has kept adding new technology and other improvements. I like the ambience he has created and sitting in the massage chairs, listening to the water and the soft music. It’s so relaxing. The experience is really a total package.

I am much happier now—I’m not as crabby, and I feel stronger and fit. Now when I do activities, it is invigorating rather than debilitating. I sleep better and my life is better balanced.”

– Rosemary T., BLM Field Manager, Boise
Rosemary manages 1.2 acres of federal public lands north of the Snake River up to Riggins and over to Glenn’s Ferry. She has two sons in college. She likes to garden, hike, read, cook, and sew.

Fibromyalgia and Back Pain

“Wow! I never knew chiropractic could be this way. He isn’t an assembly line “crack-and- go.” His treatment is like a mixture of chiropractic and physical therapy. Within the first month my pain went from a 9-10 to a 0-1.

My backaches started fifteen years ago. I bent down to pick up my toddler son and it threw my back out. I started going to chiropractors and they have helped. In the past year, I developed fibromyalgia. My arms, shoulders, and hips have been so painful that I haven’t been able to sleep at night. Every few hours I would wake up and slowly change positions. In the morning I would wake up and sit up at the side of the bed and wait until I could slowly walk around and get going.

“I’m acting like I’m eighty years old. What’s wrong with me?” I thought.

I rated my pain at a nine or a 10. Last year I didn’t buy a ski pass and thought I wouldn’t be able to ski this year because of the constant pain.

I knew I needed a chiropractor close by me so I could be consistent with my care. Dr. Gray’s office was around the corner from my house.

Wow! I never knew chiropractic could be this way. He isn’t an assembly line “crack-and- go.” His treatment is like a mixture of chiropractic and physical therapy. Within the first month my pain went from a 9-10 to a 0-1.

When my mother died, I had a relapse of pain because of all the stress. After going to Dr. Gray few times, I was able to get rid of the pain again. Besides adjusting he really stretches the tissue and muscles. He also shows me exercises so I can strengthen my muscles and have long term results.

I really like how Dr. Gray personalizes my care. He has private adjusting rooms. He takes the time to listen to me and explains things if I have questions. I know he cares about me and focuses on my individual needs. I love his office and staff. Tammy is so down to earth and easy to talk to. I’m able to schedule and work out billing at the same time. The massage chairs are the greatest.

I am excited about my recovery. This year I’m looking forward to skiing.”

–  Maggie B., School Bus Driver, Boise

Maggie and her husband Kurt have two teenage sons, Kevin and Brendan. They moved here from California five years ago. They enjoy skiing, boating, and the outdoors.

Ulcerative Colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

I don’t have Ulcerative Colitis anymore!

“About five years ago I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Disease/Syndrome (IBS) / Ulcerative Colitis. It began with sharp pains in my stomach that would make me double over in agony. After a couple of weeks I began to see blood in my stool. We are not talking about a couple of spots here and there–it was basically all blood. The doctor told me it was chronic (lifetime) and there was no cure. He said I would need to take steroids to stop the bleeding and sulfa antibiotic and pain relievers for the rest of my life.

The medication dehydrated me and discolored my nails and skin. If I were to get pregnant there was a chance that my child could have spinal bifida or other types of neurological damage. They tested my liver about every six months for liver damage. I was taking two pills twice a day. If I were to forget to take my medicine I would get those same stomach pains that I had in the beginning. The pains came about two to three times a week. I asked my doctor why the pains weren’t going away. He told me that it was just a side effect of the disease and that there was not much he could do about it.

I was referred to Dr. Gray. I had no idea that chiropractors knew any thing about the digestive system, but I was willing to try anything. (I was sick of the pain and the medication).

Dr. Gray started me on a diet that helped heal my digestive tract and monitored the way I felt after eating specific foods. I was baffled that Dr. Gray was suggesting that what might be causing the illness could be an allergy to a certain type of food that I ate. I was curious to see how it would work, so I tried it. The first three weeks were really hard, but I made it though and I slowly got off of my medication. I then started reintroducing foods back in to my diet. I felt great being off of the medication–I had more energy, I slept better, and I wasn’t having any pains at all.

I found out that what was causing my problem. No more tests, no more pills, no more worry about my children being healthy, and no more pain. I can take control of my own health and that is exactly what Dr. Gray encouraged me to do. I have not felt this good for almost six years. I have been medication and pain free for about three months. I feel great and I have Dr. Gray to thank for it. I have been walking around with a smile on my face, telling every one I know that I don’t have Ulcerative Colitis anymore.”

– Ginny M., Student and Future Teacher, Boise

Hip and Back Pain

I took one Aleve tablet a day and 2-3 ibuprofen pills to control the pain.

“Beans, my horse, bucked me off. For over a year I lived with the pain in my hips and back. I tried to keep up my normal schedule of running my insurance business, volunteer work, and refereeing, but I was miserable. I took one Aleve tablet a day and 2-3 ibuprofen pills to control the pain. I still went hunting that fall, but walking was painful, and I had to take lots of medication.

I tried several other approaches with minimal results. I decided to try Dr. Gray. He had been honest with me in other dealings, and I figured he would be straightforward and honest whether or not he could help me.

Within 7-8 weeks I was almost totally off my medication. I went hunting last fall and felt great. I can referee a double header again. I have some discomfort occasionally, but not compared with what it was like before.

I like how Dr. Gray explains his treatment and the importance of each step. He really listens to me and personalizes my care. I’ve been to many doctors. He has an in-depth knowledge of health from head to toe. He knows how to help me achieve results in a variety of health areas without medication or harmful side effects.”

– Shannon B., Insurance Agent, Referee, Father, Eagle

Returned to Running Marathons at Age 60

“I have enjoyed running all my life. I was afraid I was going to have to give it up because of pain in my knee and hip. I tried various ways to fix the problem, but was unsuccessful until I met Dr. Gray. Thanks to him, I am preparing for my next marathon at 60.”

– Dr. Clinton S., National Fundraiser for Health Awareness Foundations, Dallas